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My Lair
Mermaid Jewels
Beachy Bracelets
Charms and Pendants
Enchanting Earrings
Magical Necklaces
Leather & Pearls
Summer Anklets
Vintage Style Ocean Jewels
Beach Wedding
Mermaid's Housewares
Mermaid's Garden
Wedding Bouquets
White Seashells
Mermaid's Decor
Beach Signs
Beach Wreaths
Fishnet and Rope
Glass Floats
Jeweled Sea Collection
Mermaid's Housewares
Nautical Bottle Openers
Nautical Stainglass
Ocean Fossils
Sea Hooks
Seashell and Nautical Boxes
Seashell Nightlights
Shell Bottles
Tropical Kitchen Decor
Wind Chimes & Plant Hangers
Wine Glasses
Abalone Seashells
Angel Wings
Bulk Shell Packs
Collectible Shells
Ocean Fossils
Sand Dollar
Sale Angel Wings
Sea Fans
Treasure Chest
Beach Bath Products
Glass Floats
Mermaid Accessories
Ocean Toys
Sealife Friends
Shark Collection
Summer Tank Tops
Ventura, California Souvenirs
Beach Shirts & Sweatshirts
Sea Christmas
Sea Christmas Tree
Christmas Ornaments
Manger Scenes
Christmas Decor
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My Lair
Mermaid Jewels
Beachy Bracelets
Charms and Pendants
Enchanting Earrings
Magical Necklaces
Leather & Pearls
Summer Anklets
Vintage Style Ocean Jewels
Beach Wedding
Mermaid's Housewares
Mermaid's Garden
Wedding Bouquets
White Seashells
Mermaid's Decor
Beach Signs
Beach Wreaths
Fishnet and Rope
Glass Floats
Jeweled Sea Collection
Mermaid's Housewares
Nautical Bottle Openers
Nautical Stainglass
Ocean Fossils
Sea Hooks
Seashell and Nautical Boxes
Seashell Nightlights
Shell Bottles
Tropical Kitchen Decor
Wind Chimes & Plant Hangers
Wine Glasses
Abalone Seashells
Angel Wings
Bulk Shell Packs
Collectible Shells
Ocean Fossils
Sand Dollar
Sale Angel Wings
Sea Fans
Treasure Chest
Beach Bath Products
Glass Floats
Mermaid Accessories
Ocean Toys
Sealife Friends
Shark Collection
Summer Tank Tops
Ventura, California Souvenirs
Beach Shirts & Sweatshirts
Sea Christmas
Sea Christmas Tree
Christmas Ornaments
Manger Scenes
Christmas Decor
Tree Tops
Gift Card
My Lair
Mermaid Jewels
Beachy Bracelets
Charms and Pendants
Enchanting Earrings
Magical Necklaces
Leather & Pearls
Summer Anklets
Vintage Style Ocean Jewels
Beach Wedding
Mermaid's Housewares
Mermaid's Garden
Wedding Bouquets
White Seashells
Mermaid's Decor
Beach Signs
Beach Wreaths
Fishnet and Rope
Glass Floats
Jeweled Sea Collection
Mermaid's Housewares
Nautical Bottle Openers
Nautical Stainglass
Ocean Fossils
Sea Hooks
Seashell and Nautical Boxes
Seashell Nightlights
Shell Bottles
Tropical Kitchen Decor
Wind Chimes & Plant Hangers
Wine Glasses
Abalone Seashells
Angel Wings
Bulk Shell Packs
Collectible Shells
Ocean Fossils
Sand Dollar
Sale Angel Wings
Sea Fans
Treasure Chest
Beach Bath Products
Glass Floats
Mermaid Accessories
Ocean Toys
Sealife Friends
Shark Collection
Summer Tank Tops
Ventura, California Souvenirs
Beach Shirts & Sweatshirts
Sea Christmas
Sea Christmas Tree
Christmas Ornaments
Manger Scenes
Christmas Decor
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All items
abalone decor
abalone nightlight
Abalone shell
abalone shell light
Abalone shell necklace
abalone shell night light
abalone shell nightlight
abalone shell nightlights
abalone shell wall decor light
abalone shell wall light
abalone wall decor light
abalone wall light
Alfonso urchin
alfonso urchin nightlight
Baking scallop nightlight
bamboo source
Beach Christmas
Bear paw
bear paw nightlight
black murex decor night light
black murex decor nightlight
black murex light
black murex night light
Black Murex Nightlight
black murex shell night light
black murex shell nightlight
Black turbo
black turbo decor
black turbo nightlight
black turbo nightlights
black turbo seashell nightlight
black turbo seashell nightlights
black turbo shell nightlight
black turbo shell nightlights
blink murex nightlight
blue flower nightlight
blue flower nightlught
bonnet shell nightlight
bulb lights
Bursa Shell light
butter clam
ca seashell co
ca seashell company
calico scallop shell
capiz & metal turtle
capiz and metal sea turtle
capiz and metal turtle
Capiz decor
Capiz glass nightlight
Capiz light
Capiz lights
Capiz Mermaid
capiz metal sea turtle
capiz metal turtle light
capiz nighlight
capiz night light
Capiz nightlight
Capiz nightlights
capiz sea turtle
capiz sea turtle Nightlight
capiz seashell lights
capiz seashell Nightlight
capiz seashell nightlights
Capiz Shell
capiz Shell light
capiz Shell lights
capiz Shell Nightlight
capiz Shell Nightlights
capiz turtle
capiz turtle nightlight
Capiz turtle Nightlights
carved cowrie
carved cowrie nighlights
carved cowrie nightlight
ceramic lamp
ceramic light
ceramic nightlight
Ceramic Seashell
ceramic seashells
Christmas Decor
Christmas lights
Circle MOP
clam decor
clam light
clam night light
Clam nightlight
clam shell light
clam shell night light
clam shell nightlight
clam shell wall decor light
clam wall decor light
clam wall light
clamshell decor
clamshell flower nightlight
clamshell light
clamshell night light
clamshell nightlight
Clamshell wall light
color scallop night l.
colorful scallop night l
colorful scallop nightlight
colorful scallop shell nightlight
conch decor light
conch lamp
Conch light
conch nightlight
conch shell light
conch shell night light
conch shell nightlight
Coral nightlight
cowrie night light
Cowrie nightlight
Cowrie Shell
cowrie shell decor
cowrie shell light
cowrie shell nightlight
crab glass nightlight
crab led light
crab light
crab night light
crab nightlight
cup clam
cup clam nightlight
Cup scallop
cup scallop illusion nightlight
cup scallop nightlight
cup scallop shell illusion nightlight
decor light
dragonfly glass nightlight
Dragonfly nightlight
dragonly nightlight
fancy scallop nightlight
fancy scallop shell nightlight
fancy shell nightlight
figurine light
fish scale
fish scale decor
flower nightlight
flower seashell nightlight
fox nightlight
fox shell
fox shell night light
Fox shell nightlight
full moon shell led nightlight
full moon shell nightlight
glass night light
glass nightlight
golden clam shell light
golden clam shell wall decor light
golden scallop
Golden scallop light
Golden scallop nightlight
Green turbo
green turbo decor
green turbo nightlight
green turbo seashell nightlight
green turbo seashell nightlights
green turbo shell nightlight
green turbo shell nightlights
hand made
hand made by bri
hand made by brianna
hand made nightlight
handmade by bri
handmade by brianna
Handmade nightlight
harpa shell nightlight
harpe shell nightlight
harps she’ll nightlight
Home decor
Irish flat nightlight
Irish flat scallop
irish flat scallop nightlight
Irish flat scallop shell nightlight
Irish flat shell nightlight
jellyfish glass nightlight
jellyfish light
jellyfish nightlight
Led light
LED lightbulb
LED lights
led night light
led nightlight
limpet decor
limpet led nightlight
limpet nightlight
limpet shell
limpet shell decor
limpet shell led nightlight
limpet shell nightlight
Made by Bri
mellon shell light
melon nightlight
Melon Shell
melon shell decor light
melon shell decor night light
melon shell decor nightlight
Melon shell nightlight
melon shell wall light
mermaid Capiz metal art nightlight
mermaid Capiz nightlight
mermaid Capiz shell nightlight
mermaid decor
mermaid figurine
mermaid figurine led light
mermaid figurine led lights
mermaid figurine light
mermaid figurine lights
mermaid glass nightlight
mermaid led light
mermaid led lights
Mermaid light
mermaid lights
mermaid Metal Nightlight
mermaid nightlight
Mermaid scale
mermaid scale decor
metal & capiz turtle
metal and capiz turtle
Metal art
metal art mermaid Nightlight
metal art nightlight
metal capiz
metal mermaid nightlight
metal starfish nightlight
Moon clamshell nightlight
Moon shell led nightlight
Moon shell nightlight
mop decor
Mop led nightlight
mop nightlight
mop nightlights
mop shell decor
Mother of Pearl
mother of pearl decor
mother of pearl nightlight
mother of pearl shell
mother of pearl shell decor
mother of pearl shell light
mother of pearl shell nightlight
mother of pearl shell nightlights
multi shell scallop nightlights
murex decor night light
murex decor nightlight
murex light
murex night light
Murex nightlight
murex nightlights
murex ramosa decor night light
murex ramosa light
murex ramosa night light
murex ramosa shell nightlight
murex rasoma decor nightlight
Murex Shell
murex shell decor
murex shell light
murex shell night light
Mushroom coral
mushroom coral decor
mushroom coral light
mushroom coral nightlight
Natural Capiz nightlight
natural clam nightlight
natural green abalone shell nightlight
natural mauve abalone shell nightlight
natural mop nightlight
Natural mop shell nightlight
natural murex nightlight
natural Nautilus
natural orange abalone shell nightlight
natural pink abalone shell nightlight
natural pink murex nightlight
Natural pink ombre
natural pink ombre nightlight
natural pink ombré clamshell nightlight
natural purple abalone shell nightlight
natural Spondylus nightlight
natural volute shell light
natural with shells
nautilus Nightlight
Night Light
night lights
ocean life
ocean life glass nightlight
ocean life nightlight
ocean nightlight
Octopus decor
octopus light
Octopus Nightlight
octopus nightlights
Orange shell
orange shell nightlight
orange starfish nightlight
Owl limpet
pacific purple clam nightlight
Pacific purple clamshell nightlight
Paua shell
paua Shell decor
paua shell nightlight
Paua shell nightlights
paua shells
peacock glass nightlight
peacock nightlight
pearlized turbo nightlight
pecten decor
pecten nightlight
pecten nightlights
pecten Shell decor
pecten Shell nightlight
pineapple glass nightlight
Pineapple nightlight
pink abalone shell nightlight
Pink clam
Pink Murex
pink murex light
pink murex night light
pink murex nightlight
pink murex shell
pink murex shell light
pink murex shell night light
pink murex shell nightlight
pink murex shell wall decor light
pink murex shell wall light
pink murex shell wall night light
pink murex shell wall nightlight
pink murex wall decor light
pink murex wall light
pink scallop shell
polished green abalone shell nightlight
polished paua
polished red abalone shell nightlight
polished turbo nightlight
Porcelain Mermaid
Porcelain mermaid led figurine
Porcelain Mermaid LED light
Porcelain Octopus box
purple abalone shell nightlight
purple clam decor
Purple clam nightlight
purple clamshell nightlight
purple cowrie
purple cowrie nightlight
Purple cowrie shell
purple flower nightlight
Purple Pacific Clamshell
purple pacific clamshell nightlight
rainbow scallop nightlight
red abalone decor
red abalone shell night light
red abalone shell nightlight
Rose clam
rose clamshell
round clam nightlight
s allop shell nightlight
sand dollar flower nightlight
sand dollar nightlight
sand dollar ocean nightlight
sand piper glass nightlight
sand piper nightlight
Sandy scallop
Scallop calm
scallop clam
scallop clam nightlight
scallop cluster nightlights
Scallop Color nightlight
scallop decor
scallop lamp
scallop light
scallop nightlight
scallop nightlights
Scallop Shell
scallop shell decor
scallop shell light
scallop Shell nightlight
scallop Shell nightlights
sea glass shell nightlight
sea horse night light
sea horse nightlight
sea life LED lights
sea shell lights
Sea Turtle
Sea turtle glass nightlight
sea turtle led light
sea turtle light
sea turtle night light
sea turtle nightlight
sea turtles
Sea Urchin
sea urchin decor
Sea urchin lamps
sea urchin light
sea urchin nightlight
seaglass shell nightlight
seahorse glass nightlight
seahorse led light
seahorse light
seahorse night light
seahorse nightlight
sealife LED lights
seashell ceramic decor lamp
seashell ceramic decor light
Seashell ceramic decor lights
seashell decor
Seashell Flower
Seashell flower nightlight
Seashell Flowers
Seashell light
Seashell lights
seashell nightlight
Seashell nightlights
Seashell tabletop light
Shell Ceramic light
shell decor
shell decor light
shell decor nightlight
Shell Flower
Shell Flower Nightlight
shell flowers
shell lamp
shell light
Shell lights
shell nighlight
shell night light
shell night lights
Shell nightlight
shell nightlights
shells glass nightlight
shells nightlight
snail seashell nightlight
snail seashell nightlights
Snail Shell
snail Shell decor
snail shell nightlight
snail shell nightlights
soft glow
spider conch
spider conch decor night light
spider conch decor nightlight
spider conch nightlight
spider conch shell
spider conch shell decor light
spider conch shell decor nightlight
spider conch shell nightlight
spider conch wall light
spider conch wall nighlight
spider shell decor light
spider shell decor wall light
spider shell shell nightlight
Spondylus nightlight
squid light
Starfish ceramic nightlight
Starfish cluster nightlight
Starfish decor
starfish lamp
starfish light
starfish Nightlight
string lights
Sugar starfish nightlight
sunset nightlight
Swimming sea turtle nightlight
swimming turtle nightlight
Table Lamp
table light
tabletop light
tiger cowrie
tiger cowrie night light
tiger cowrie nightlight
tonna shell
tonna shell decor
tonna shell night light
tonna shell nightlight
tonna shell nightlights
tumbled glass nightlight
turbo decor
turbo nightlight
turbo nightlights
turbo samaticus
turbo seashell
turbo seashell decor
turbo seashell nightlight
turbo seashell nightlights
turbo shell decor
turbo shell nightlight
turbo shell nightlights
turtle led light
turtle light
turtle night light
turtle nightlight
unison gifts
urchin lamp
urchin lamps
urchin light
urchin nightlight
virgelles inc.
volute decor
volute nightlight
Volute Shell
volute shell decor night light
volute shell decor nightlight
volute shell light
volute shell night light
Volute shell nightlight
volute shell shell decor light
volute shell wall decor light
volute shell wall decor nightlight
wall decor light
wall decor night light
wall decor nightlight
wall light
wall lights
wave nightlight
White clam
white clam nightlight
white mermaid LED light
white nightlight
white pecten night light
White pecten nightlight
white pecten shell night light
White pecten shell nightlight
white scallop nightlight
white starfish nightlight
White volute nightlight
Sort By:
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Best Selling
Seashell Nightlights: A Fun way to add a Little Light to any room.
Abalone Shell Nightlight
$ 19.50
Bear Paw Nightlight
$ 65.00
Black Murex Nightlight
$ 15.00
Bonnet Shell Nightlight
$ 16.50
Calico MOP Shell Nightlight
$ 30.00
Capiz Mermaid Nightlight
$ 36.00
Capiz Sea Turtle Lamp
$ 50.00
Capiz Sea Turtle Nightlight
$ 24.00
Carved Cowrie Shell Nightlight
$ 16.50
Colorful Scallop Shell Nightlight
$ 16.50
Cone Shell Nightlight
$ 15.00
Cowrie Shell Nightlight
$ 16.50
Cup Scallop Illusion Nightlight
$ 25.00
Fancy Scallop Shell Nightlight
$ 25.00
Flower Seashell Nightlight
$ 45.00
Fox Shell Nightlight
$ 16.50
Golden Scallop Shell Nightlight
$ 15.00
Harpa Shell Nightlight
$ 16.50
Irish Flat Scallop Shell Nightlight
$ 35.00
Jellyfish Capiz Nightlight
$ 36.00
Limpet Shell Nightlight
$ 30.00
Melon Shell Nightlight
$ 15.00
Mermaid Metal Nightlight
$ 30.00
Moon Clamshell Nightlight
$ 25.00
MOP Shell Nightlight
$ 35.00
Sold out
Murex Endivia Nightlight
$ 15.00
Murex Ramosa Nightlight
$ 19.50
Mushroom Coral LED Nightlight
$ 75.00
Natural MOP Shell LED Nightlight
$ 45.00
Natural Nautilus Nightlight
$ 45.00
Natural Pink Ombré Clam Nightlight
$ 30.00
Ocean Life Glass Nightlight
$ 35.00
Octopus Capiz Nightlight
$ 36.00
Octopus Nightlight
$ 30.00
Orange Conch Nightlight
$ 16.50
Painted Cowrie Nightlight
$ 12.00
Pearlized Nautilus Nightlight
$ 48.00
Pink Clam Nightlight
$ 12.00
Pink Murex Shell Nightlight
$ 16.50
Pink Pecten Shell Nightlight
$ 35.00
Porcelain Mermaid LED Light
$ 18.00
Purple Pacific Clamshell Nightlight
$ 45.00
Rose Cockle Nightlight
$ 16.50
Sand Dollar Ocean Nightlight
$ 22.50
Sandstone Bursa Shell Light
$ 35.00
Sandy Scallop Shell Nightlight
$ 45.00
Scallop Shell Nightlight
$ 15.00
Sold out
Sea Life LED Light
$ 12.00
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